Gremlins 2 © Amblin Entertainment & Warner Bros

MacBookPro 2: The New Batch

Scott Zirkel


A friend recently got a new MacBookPro and asked me for some advice with it. Of course I immediately told her the three cardinal rules:

  1. No bright light. The glare from the sun on the monitor is a killer. Also, don’t leave it in the sun, it might overheat.
  2. Don’t feed it after midnight, no matter how much it begs. It’s late. You need your rest. Turn it off and go to sleep. Can’t sleep? Read a book until you wake up the next morning with a drool stained book over your face.
  3. Don’t get it wet. This one is important. If you get them wet, they tend to not work. If for some reason you do get them wet, don’t feed them rice, it doesn’t really work.

Unfortunately she didn’t listen to me and now there is a small town in shambles.

I don’t use Windows, but I would assume the rules are pretty much the same, only you should probably keep them from cold weather, as they are prone to catching colds far more often.

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