I’m not quite sure I get the “only the cool kids don’t use Adobe” vibe that I get from some folks today. Sketch is great if you are just designing for web. Figma is (potentially) awesome, if you work collaboratively. Find the right tool for the job. Using the newest pencil doesn’t make someone a better artist than the other guy. The more tools in your toolbox, the more prepared you are for whatever is thrown at you. Day to day I work on print layouts, logo design, photography editing, and web/UI/development. If I limited myself to just one tool, I couldn’t do half the tasks I needed to accomplish. If all you do is UI design, maybe Sketch, Framer, Figma, et al are perfect for your workflow. The fact that you & I use different tools to achieve the same thing does not mean one is better than the other. I have near to 20 years experience with both Photoshop & Illustrator. Using Sketch in the beginning slowed my workflow down to a crawl because all of the keyboard shortcuts were different. I have since adapted it to a limited use, but I’m not going to knock anyone for using it full time for their UI work.